Freshwater Mussel Surveys
In accordance with the Endangered Species Act, all federally protected species of plants and animals must be preserved. In the years since the Endangered Species Act was enacted, many freshwater mussel species, as well as their habitats, have been brought under federal protection. As such, regulatory agencies often require that mussel surveys are performed prior to construction activities that may affect freshwater mussels or their habitats within our nation’s waterways. Additionally, biological assessments that include minimization and mitigation methods must often be prepared.
Mainstream has decades of experience coordinating and conducting mussel surveys, relocations, and impact assessments as well as producing professional quality reports. Mainstream has a good working relationship with state and federal natural resource agencies and is very familiar with their requirements for surveying, relocating, and reporting on the status of freshwater mussels. We routinely works with regulatory agencies on projects dealing with freshwater mussels. Our office possesses the required state and federal permits to conduct mussel surveys throughout the majority of the eastern, southern, and midwestern regions of the United States.
Mainstream employs in-house certified commercial divers trained for performing mussel surveys as well as a full-time biologist (malacologists). Our environmental staff allows us to perform any required mussel-related work at any project site necessary.
Mainstream's equipment specific to mussel sampling projects includes:
- Portable riverbank field station
- Trimble DGPS systems
- ArcGIS and Arcpad software
- Weighted transect lines
- Meter and ¼ meter square sampling quadrats
- Mussel collection bags and buckets
- Sieve sets
- Water pumps and hoses
- Flow meters
- Ohaus scales
- Electronic calipers
- Secchi disks
- Modified serber samplers
Environmental and Water Quality Surveys
We have the experience and qualifications to provide in-situ water quality sampling services, as well as the equipment and experienced personnel to collect water samples for required extensive laboratory analysis. Our in-house malacologist holds multiple degrees in water-based science involving, but not limited to, biology, chemistry, and physical geography.
In addition, we own and operate water sampling equipment including a YSI Professional Plus Multi-Parameter Water Quality Meter, which can be utilized for any in-situ water quality testing needed. We have performed water quality sampling surveys on many major river systems including the Tennessee and Ohio Rivers. Due to the portable nature of the YSI, we can perform a water quality sampling survey at any location, no matter how remote.
We can perform water quality sampling for a variety of applications including the performance of background environmental surveys, the monitoring of discharge locations, and the acquisition of preliminary data for permit applications.
If you have any questions regarding our services, capabilities, or experience, please contact us.