About Mainstream
Mainstream Commercial Divers is a full-service underwater construction, maintenance, inspection, and commercial diving company with offices located in Murray, KY and Charleston, SC. We provide a wide range of marine services, including vessel salvage, environmental response, and derelict vessel removal. We serve a variety of clients including municipalities, government agencies, ports, and terminals.
Founded in 1980, Mainstream is a leading provider of marine construction and infrastructure support services and is a nationally known casualty responder in the United States. Our depth of experience and access to resources enables us to adapt quickly to unique problems and resolve potentially costly situations in an efficient manner. In addition, we have the flexibility to customize systems and management teams for individual projects. Mainstream is a member of of the International Salvage Union (ISU), the American Salvage Association (ASA), and the Spill Control Association of America (SCAA).
Mainstream was originally the combined entities of Mainstream Commercial Divers out of Murray, KY and Eason Diving & Marine Contractors located in Charleston, SC. Today we – along with Moran group of companies – offer a full range of services, skilled personnel, equipment, and project expertise to clients across the United States.